Epic Entrepreneurs

1% Better Everyday: A New Paradigm for Success in Business

November 20, 2023 Bill Gilliland
1% Better Everyday: A New Paradigm for Success in Business
Epic Entrepreneurs
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Epic Entrepreneurs
1% Better Everyday: A New Paradigm for Success in Business
Nov 20, 2023
Bill Gilliland

Imagine being 1% better every day. Sounds simple, right? Well, on this week's episode of Epic Entrepreneurs, we explore the extraordinary power of making small, manageable steps toward your larger goals. Taking inspiration from Matthew McConaughey's desire to meet the person he becomes in 10 years, we dive into how we grossly underestimate what we can achieve in a decade.

Using James Clear's 'Atomic Habits' as our guide, we delve into the phenomenal transformation of the British cycling team under Dave Brailsford. Their success story, rooted in the 1% improvement strategy, is a shining example of how the same approach can impact your life and business. So, if you're ready to start climbing your mountain, one step at a time, don't miss this episode. It's time to think about what your 1% could be and start on your journey to become epic. Let's redefine success together!

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Show Notes Transcript

Imagine being 1% better every day. Sounds simple, right? Well, on this week's episode of Epic Entrepreneurs, we explore the extraordinary power of making small, manageable steps toward your larger goals. Taking inspiration from Matthew McConaughey's desire to meet the person he becomes in 10 years, we dive into how we grossly underestimate what we can achieve in a decade.

Using James Clear's 'Atomic Habits' as our guide, we delve into the phenomenal transformation of the British cycling team under Dave Brailsford. Their success story, rooted in the 1% improvement strategy, is a shining example of how the same approach can impact your life and business. So, if you're ready to start climbing your mountain, one step at a time, don't miss this episode. It's time to think about what your 1% could be and start on your journey to become epic. Let's redefine success together!

Being a Business Owner is Lonely. 

But It Doesn't Have to Be...

Join The Entrepreneur Experience.

Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, regional events and more.


Welcome to this week's episode of Epic Entrepreneurs Foward by Action Coach Growth Partners. You likely went into business to have more freedom and flexibility so that you could spend more time with your family, do more things or travel or enjoy your hobbies or whatever it is that you like to do in your spare time. We're here to help you find better ways to make more money, build better teams and get that time back so that you can have that freedom and flexibility. We'll help you simplify things and make sense of business, investing and wealth building so that you can be epic and achieve all your dreams and goals. And now enjoy the show. Hey there, hope you're having a fantastic week.


I'm Bill Gilliland, your host of Epic Entrepreneurs, and our tagline here is Be Epic, and we're starting a new series or we just started one last week and it's called Always Be, and we're going down the letters of the alphabet. Last week it was Always Be Asking, always Be Asking questions, always Be curious. This week we're on the letter B, so this week we're looking at Always Be Becoming Better. So the root word of become is B, so it fits that we would always be becoming and we believe it's always becoming better. How do you get a little bit better every single week. So cool story.


The actor who's a famous actor, matthew McConaughey, was once asked if you could meet anybody famous, who it is that you would like to meet, and what he said was I'd like to meet the person I've become in 10 years. Now I want you to think about that. You wanted to meet the person he becomes in 10 years. Do you want to meet the person that you will become over the next 10 years? It is a great aspiration of how much you can get done in 10 years. My friend, brad Sugars, says that people overestimate the amount of things they can get done in one year and underestimate the amount they can accomplish over 10 years. So let's talk about Always Be Becoming Better.


Now I think that it's a process of chunking it down into little steps. You don't just go out and go from zero to a hundred thousand and from a hundred thousand to a million and to a million to a billion. You don't do it that way. You have to chuck it down. You'd have to go from zero to a thousand. You have to go a thousand to five thousand and five thousand to ten thousand and ten thousand to fifty thousand, fifty thousand to a hundred thousand, hundred thousand to a million and so forth and so on until you finally get to a billion. You cannot get there by saying, in fact, it'll be overwhelming, it would be overwhelming. It's like, well, and I think that happens often where someone takes on a big task or instead of chunking it down into little steps. Then, in fact, I was listening to a podcast with Brad and Tony Alessandro this morning and you should listen to it. Brad's podcast is great, it's called the Big Success Podcast. I'd recommend it to anyone.


And Tony was saying when he was going to write his first book he's written a number of books that he had a 90 days to do it. And then he had and he didn't get anything done. And then he had another 90 days and he fretted and worried about it. And finally one of his friends said well, how many pages does your book need to be? And he said about 180 pages. And he said, well, how, how many days do you have to do it? To put this thing together? And he said about 60 days. He said, well, 60 into 183. So all you need to do is write three pages a day. So if you want to write a book, you don't try to write it all at once, you write it three pages at a day. And it's the same with accomplishing big things but with becoming epic. You don't become epic by trying to climb the whole mountain in a day. You climb a few steps a day. You climb a few steps a day.


So James Clear, in his great book Atomic Habits, talks about Dave Brailsford and how he changed the British cycling team. So, to give you the Cliff Notes version, the British cycling team was not good. In fact I don't think they had done anything since the early 1900s. Well, dave Brailsford takes it over and his goal is to win the Tour de France within five years with the British cycling team. So how does he start out? Well, he starts out looking at little, small increments, like how do we get, how do we do one thing every day to be better? How do we do 1% better every day? Now you think about it. If you could get, you know if you can get 1% better every week, that's a 67% improvement. If you get 2% better every week at compounds and you get a 280% improvement in a year. So he started looking at the normal things you would think about, like the weight of the bikes and how they were made and aerodynamics and all those kind of things. But he also looked at some things you might not think about, like the pillows that the athletes would sleep on. If they slept better, obviously they would have better performances. He looked at the hand wash, he looked at the soap. He looked at every little detail, the tightness of the spokes. If there was something to be uncovered, they uncovered it. Well, it's a great story because they ended up achieving the five-year goal in three years when they won the Tour de France and since they've come to be one of the dominant cycling teams, winning all kinds of medals at the Olympics, in addition to the touring races and everything.


So here's a question for you Can you chuck things down? Could you be 1% better today than you were yesterday? Could you find one thing to work on this week that would change the trajectory of your life? It is called the compound effect. Y'all it adds up over time. So the big question for you this week is what's your 1%? What is the 1% that you can get every single day or every single week? What is the one thing that you can do today that will make things better? If you could approve one thing today and you work 250 days, in a year you'll have 250 things that you've improved. Imagine what that compounding will do over a couple of years.


So you don't climb a mountain in one minute.


You take it one step at a time or one handhold at a time. You do it the right way. You work at it, you work at it, you work at it and all of a sudden it compounds and you end up at the top of the mountain. So if you wanna be epic, find the one thing that you're gonna do today. Listen, I hope this was helpful. I look forward to chatting with you. If you'd like to chat with us and learn how you can take, add 1% to 1% and 2% and 2% and take little things and massively grow your business, then you're gonna wanna reach out to me, billgillilandactioncoachcom. Book in for a strategy session. We'll be happy to have a chat and until next time, all the best.


Thanks for joining us for this week's episode of Epic Entrepreneurs. Here's four things you can do. First, you can listen every week on Biz Radio Mondays at one Second. You can subscribe to the podcast. Hey, you get it. The more subscribers we have, the more cool things. We can offer you. Three you can also go out and give us a five star rating everywhere. And number four if you'd like a free copy of my book, the Coach Approach Five Principles to Build an Epic Business, just go to giftfrombillcom. It's your roadmap to building your epic business. That's giftfrombillcom. Until next time, all the best.