Epic Entrepreneurs

The Happiness Compass: Steering Toward Joy in Entrepreneurship

Bill Gilliland

Can happiness be a constant companion in our entrepreneurial voyage? This week's 'Always Be Happy' episode challenges the notion with a blend of wisdom from Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and actionable advice to light up your days. We dissect the 80/20 rule of happiness, revealing that while life's waves may rock our boat, setting sail towards contentment 80% of the time is a voyage worth taking. I share stirring anecdotes and Dale Carnegie's insights that intertwine the dance of happiness and success, proving that a smile might just be the rudder to steer us through stormy seas.

Embark on a journey of elevating your joy, especially when the entrepreneur's path gets rugged. I'll take you through a routine that infuses your mornings with the kind of exercise that doesn't just sculpt your body but also crafts a more resilient and joyful mindset. Discover how the simplicity of a smile can transform your day, as I recount tales from the lives of those who exude happiness despite life's hurdles. Tune in, and let's revitalize your pursuit of happiness with tips to anchor your spirit in the harbor of joy, no matter the tide.

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Welcome to this week's episode of Epic Entrepreneurship powered by Action Coach Growth Partners. You likely went into business to have more freedom and flexibility so that you could spend more time with your family, do more things or travel or enjoy your hobbies or whatever it is that you like to do in your spare time. We're here to help you find better ways to make more money, build better teams and get that time back so that you can have that freedom and flexibility. We'll help you simplify things and make sense of business, investing and wealth building, so that you can be epic and achieve all your dreams and goals. And now enjoy the show. Hey there, hope you're having a fantastic week.


This week we're continuing the theme of Always Be, and then we've got another letter. This week is H Always Be Happy. Now, I know there's times in life where you can't always be happy, but let's think about the 2080 rule 20% of the time gets you 80% of the results. I believe you can be happy 80% of the time. Maybe you're going to have some down moments. 20% of the time they're just things that happen in life that are out of our control. So I remember a few years back you couldn't go anywhere listening to any music listening to the radio where you weren't hearing Bobby McFerrin's? Don't Worry, be Happy. It's a great song, great lyrics. I'm going to read it to you here.


Here's a little song I wrote. You might want to sing it, note for note. Don't worry, be happy. In every life we have some trouble, but when you worry, you make it double. Don't worry, be happy. Then there's some music going on. So don't worry, be happy. Now Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style, ain't got no gal to make you smile. Don't worry, be happy. When you worry, your face will frown and that will bring everybody down. Don't worry, be happy, there's more music. Then here's a little song I wrote. I hope you learned it, note for note Don't worry, be happy. Listen to a word I say If you're in your life, expect some trouble, but when you worry, you make it double. Don't worry, be happy. Don't worry, be happy. So you can thank me later for not singing it. You want to hear it the cool way? Go listen to Bobby McPherson singing it, it'll be great.


So here's a question that I've often asked Do you smile because you're happy or are you happy because you smile? Here's an experiment. I want you to sit there, wherever you are walking, listening to this, and just smile, guarantee you'll be happy. Now, of course, happy things make you smile. I think it works both ways. You can smile, you can be happy, you can be happy.


So I was out at the local retirement place and I have my wife's mother is out there and we were having lunch and I saw some friends of mine who live out there now and there's one particular gentleman who I've known for a long time and he's always been happy. And I know right now he's facing some health challenges, he's facing something. I know there's no way he could feel good, but when you see him he's going to smile, he's going to put on that happy face and you're going to feel better after you've met him. So don't you want to make people feel better? I mean, dale Carnegie said you know, smile, just smile. You know dogs are always smiling. They come to you with unconditional love. So we need to be a little bit more like that.


So I've got a few tips. You're feeling down, or if you just need to add more happiness in your life, I've got a few tips. The first one is get some exercise, and I would suggest first thing in the morning. It'll make your day go a lot better. It's been proven that getting exercise has a chemical reaction, helps you having dolphins that are gonna make you feel better and gonna make you smile. So get some exercise, get in the habit of getting exercise. If you're feeling a little grumpy, go out and walk around, get some fresh air, get some exercise. Guarantee it'll make you feel better. Number two read something positive or listen to something positive or watch something positive every single day. It's gonna make you better, it's gonna make you smile, it's gonna make your day go better and you're gonna get a lot more done. Number three plan your day the night before. That's gonna help you achieve more, but it's also gonna help you sleep better and if you're sleep better, you're gonna feel better. If you feel better, you're gonna be more happy.


Number four just lighten up. Unless you're a first responder or work in the medical field, most of the things we do every day are not life or death. Lighten up, try looking around and see and join what you see out there. You know, look for the flowers, look for the pretty things, look for the things that maybe you're too hurry to get on to. Number five change your attitude about work. Work is fun. You will feel great when you accomplish something. Have you ever had a time when there was a problem and you solved the problem? I guarantee you you felt good Work. Accomplishing things will make you feel better. Do good work on purpose and have a great attitude about it. You're gonna enjoy your life more and you're gonna smile more. Here's another little tip about work Make it a game. You're gonna feel a lot better about things because we are competitive people. Make it a game. Win the game, you're gonna feel better about it.


Number seven limit screen time. I know when I sit on my phone for more than five minutes I probably get grumpy because I can't see as well and I you know that's just limit your screen time. Know you're gonna be on it some, but limit it there. Plan, plan, vacation, plan your business Plan. It's gonna make you smile when you accomplish those things you said you were gonna do. Look for the contrast. If you're having a bad day or feeling bad about yourself or thing, we just don't have it that badly Now there are people who do, but basically don't. If you wanna go feel better, I got two suggestions Go down and volunteer at the burn unit at the hospital, you got it pretty good. If you're not in there or go down and watch a bunch of kids playing, I don't be a stalker, but you don't go out Watch some kids on the playground going around having fun, they're joyful, they're having a great time. It'll make you smile.


Smiling will make you happy. You know, have a purpose, have a code, have a culture to live by. I was personally was in the Boy Scouts and I love the Scouts and I still remember the Scout Law Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Pretty good code to live by. Make you feel good about yourself when you do those things. Make time for meaningful relationships every week. You've got all got meaningful relationships. You've got business relationships, you've got personal relationships. Make time for those relationships.


Remember happiness is a choice. Get out there, make yourself happy. I'll give you another hint Probably making someone important in your life happy. What would it take? What is one thing you could do today to make someone happy? Go out and do it and you'll smile. I hope you find happiness. I hope you find what you're looking for. This will make you a better person and a better business person.


If you need help with any of this. Anything you can call us, we're business growth experts. We'll be happy to help you. Go out to our website, which is ncbusinesscoach, and sign up for a strategy session. We'll help you achieve those things that you want to do in your life and in your business. And until next time, all the best. Thanks for joining us for this week's episode of Epic Entrepreneurs. Here's four things you can do. First, you can listen every week on Biz Radio, mondays at one Second. You can subscribe to the podcast. Hey, you get it. The more subscribers we have, the more cool things we can offer you. Three you can also go out and give us a five star rating everywhere. And number four if you'd like a free copy of my book, the Coach Approach Five Principles to Build an Epic Business, just go to giftfrombillcom. It's your roadmap to building your epic business. That's giftfrombillcom. Until next time, all the best.